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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Sacred Heart in three words - inclusive- caring- family. We are all one big family -Parent 2023


At Sacred Heart we want all children to feel safe and happy at school. Our school mission is to love ourselves and love others.  We do this by being kind and treating each other with respect.

 Through our PSHE curriculum, the RE curriculum and our character education, we explicitly teach children how to be caring, show self- control, be proactive and resilient.

 Our behaviour policy places an emphasis on promoting, recognising and rewarding positive behaviour. 

Sometimes children find themselves in   situations of conflict, but this is a normal part of growing up and learning to get along with others. We strive to educate them in recognising the difference between relational conflict and bullying and how to deal with situations effectively. 

Sacred Heart takes bullying very seriously and steps are in place to deal with this. Staff tackle bullying appropriately and   ensure that   pupils bullying concerns are dealt with sensitively   and effectively. We deal promptly with concerns raised by   parents or children and it is important that parents work with   us to ensure the safety of all pupils.

 Through our behaviour and anti-bullying policies, we strive to prevent all incidents of bullying. We raise awareness of bullying through Anti Bullying Week each year.


Behaviour Policy 

Anti-bullying Policy