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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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 At Sacred Heart, we know that excellent attendance and punctuality are essential for every child.  Promoting excellent attendance is the duty of everyone; parents/ carers, staff and pupils. 

Why is regular school attendance so important for my child?

Regular attendance at school means that your child can make the most of their education and improve their chances in adult life. School can also help your child’s social skills such as making and developing friendships. A regular and punctual attendance pattern will help your child when they enter the world of work.

Obviously if your child is poorly then they do need to stay off school to ensure they recover. We are supportive of families with authorised reasons for taking time away from school. 

All parents who have children of compulsory school age are legally responsible for ensuring that their children receive a suitable education. Children who are in Reception and have not yet reached their 5th birthday will still benefit from the routine and structure of attending school at an early age.

 Please note punctuality also has an impact on attendance rates. If a child arrives late at school, after registration closes, this equates to an absence.

Please see the attendance ladder illustrated below which indicates the impact of absences from school.

Attendance Policy

Penalty Notice Letter