Healthy School Meals
The school provides cooked meals with a choice of courses, and vegetarian and other dietary requirements can be accommodated. There is always a choice of menu which provides a healthy balanced diet. Meals are cooked on the premises and served by our friendly kitchen staff with cakes provided by the Loafer in Ilkley.
Children may also bring packed lunches. All children are offered drinking water with their lunch. Fizzy drinks, chocolate bars or nuts of any description may not be included in the packed lunch.
ALL children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive government funding and their meals are completely FREE.
Meals for children in Years 3 - 6 are currently £2.60 per day.
Dinner money should be paid online using ParentPay.
School Milk / Drinks/ Snacks
Free milk is currently available for all children up to the age of 5. If your child is over the age of 5 and would like milk please visit, for further information.
Children are welcome to bring in a piece of fruit for afternoon breaks. Pupils are not allowed to bring sweets into school.
The school is part of the Government fruit scheme. This provides every child in Key Stage One and Reception with a free piece of fruit each day.
Children are encouraged to bring full Bottles of water to school each day. These can be refilled with chilled water when necessary at school.