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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Welcome to Olicana Class page, the teacher in Olicana class is Mrs. Eccles.

We are a mixed Year 5 and Year 6 class who work together brilliantly - an amazing team who are always supporting and encouraging each other.

Year 5 marks the beginning of UKS2, which means that these pupils are nearing the end of their primary school journey while our year six pupils are embarking on the final stage of theirs.

Year 6 is an important year in the life of a pupil in their primary school - the culmination of their time in the school. We work hard to ensure that all our children achieve their full potential and have fun along the way. 

Year 6 is a year where our children take on extra responsibilities. Most importantly, they are 'buddies' to our new reception children helping our youngest children find their feet.

Throughout the year we continue to build the self-esteem and nurture confidence and independence to ensure all our pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education. We work closely with a number of high schools, in particular, St Mary’s Catholic High School and Ilkley Grammar School so there is a smooth transition to Year 7. Put all this together with our end of year productions, celebrations and involvement in whole school activities and you can see that this final stage is always busy and planned to provide our children with many happy, lasting memories of their time at Sacred Heart Primary School.

Olicana Half term Overview -HT4