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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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PTA (FOSH)- Friends of Sacred Heart

Welcome to The Friends of Sacred Heart

The Friends of Sacred Heart is a charity devoted to supporting the education of the children in school, providing facilities and equipment and developing the relationships between those associated with the school.  It’s a wonderful way to meet other families and get more connected with the school.
All parents of children at the school, teaching staff, support staff and governors are members. The Association is managed by a committee elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting in the Autumn Term.

 The Association arranges a variety of events, hopefully with something for everyone. In previous years they have organised various activities for the children and adults including a Christmas Fair, local area walks, cake sales, a camping trip and children’s discos.


We hold regular committee meetings,  plus informal meetings to plan events as needed. Meetings are usually in an evening and we try to make these as social as possible.

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is in the autumn term and open to everyone. We’re always excited to welcome new faces with fresh ideas to help keep things fun and vibrant. New members help ensure smooth transitions and keep the committee going year after year.

We’d be thrilled if you could join us! There’s absolutely no pressure to take on a big responsibility—just come along, enjoy a chat, and share your ideas. Whether you want to help a little or a lot, we appreciate any support. If you’re interested or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at friendsofsacredheart@sacredheart.bradford.sch.uk.