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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Religious Education

Religious Education is a core subject in all Catholic Schools. Here at Sacred Heart, we recognise its importance and the teaching of RE is given 10% of our timetabled teaching time.

We use The Way, the Truth and The Life for our RE teaching and refer to the new interpretation of learning objectives from the Diocese. It begins in Reception and goes through to Year 6. It is broken into 6 topics across the year. We also teach our children about other world faiths across the school, with a lesson dedicated to this every half-term.  

We have daily Collective Worship; Whole School Collective Worship on Monday, and class based Collective Worship on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. We also have regular class assemblies on Fridays where Special Mention awards are handed out and parents are warmly invited to these.  Regular whole school masses and class masses in Key Stage 2 take place throughout the year families and parishioners attend these.

RE Curriculum Statement

RE Long Term Plan

Other World Faiths Long Term Plan 

RE Policy