At Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, we provide an inclusive environment in which children with additional needs are educated alongside their peers and can participate fully in the educational experience. We actively identify any barriers to learning at the earliest opportunity to achieve the best possible outcomes for children. We are committed to high achievement for all, supporting children and their families through SEND provision and personalised learning. Our provision and intervention meets each child’s individual educational and well-being needs, enabling them to access a broad and balanced curriculum.
Mrs Gilhooly is our Special Educational Needs & Disability Coordinator.
She can be contacted on or by telephoning the school office on tel:01943 609578
Mrs Fox is the governor responsible for SEND.
She can be contacted on or by telephoning the school office on tel:01943 609578
" The school offers an open and welcoming heart when it comes to the inclusion of pupils who find learning more challenging. As a result, the support provided for pupils with special educational needs is exemplary." S48 Inspection Report 2025
sen information report and policy september 2024.pdf