School Day
School doors are open at 8.40 am and close at 8.55 am
Our headteacher Amanda Rhodes or one of our team can be found every mornings welcoming children and families through the gates.
Registration bell rings at 08.55.
This is an important part of our day where children are welcomed by their teacher and encouraged to share news and exchange information before starting their first lesson.
Morning session is from 8.55 to 12.00 for Early Years and Key Stage One, and from 8.55 to 12.15 for Key Stage 2.
Our children are then ready for their healthy lunch, cooked fresh each day on the premises by our dedicated kitchen staff.
Afternoon lessons start at 12.45 and 13.00 respectively
School finishes at 15.15 for all children.
Wrap Around Care- Larks and Nightingales
We are very lucky to an independent wrap around care provider, who is OFSTED registered.
Larks and Nightingales can be contacted directly to discuss a place.
Children can be dropped off from 7.30 am and enjoy a selection of cereals and toast with friends before lessons begin. After school clubs and activities go on until 6pm