Spelling Bee
In addition to the spelling rules that children learn throughout the year, there are a number of common exception and ‘tricky’ words that children need to learn how to spell. Each half-term, Y1-Y6 focus on 20 of these words; these are their Spelling Bee words.
At the start of each half-term, the children are tested on these words before they have had a chance to practise them. The words are then sent home to practise and the children have time to go over the words in class too. The children are then tested on the same spellings at the end of the half-term with the aim of improving their score. Certificates will be issued for children who improve their score by 5 or more and/or achieve full marks. The class average will then be taken, and the highest class average will receive the ‘Spelling Bee’ trophy to keep in their classroom!