Student Leadership
At Sacred Heart, we encourage our children to take on extra responsibilities. These groups help to develop our children's leadership skills and confidence whilst ensuring that they make a valuable contribution to school life. Our student groups include School Council and Sports Leadership. We also have the Mini Vinnies and Faith Leaders (see separate section in Faith and Values).
School Council
Our School Council is run by Mrs Ali with meetings taking place every third week. There are two representative from the Year Groups, Y2-Y6. Each time they meet, the children set tasks and talk about things that are happening in school. They have set up a suggestion box in school and they check this.
Any child can put themselves forward for School Council. Candidates try to persuade classmates to vote for them by making a speech telling the class why they should be voted for. The two children with the most votes become class representatives for that school year.
The School Council is led by Head pupils and assisted by their Deputies. In Year 6, the children present their 'manifesto' to the whole school. They are then voted into 'office' by staff and peers.
Our Head pupils and Deputies also represent the school at a number of events throughout the year.
Current Projects
- Making our school greener and reducing electricity consumption.
- Snacks for all in KS2.
Sports Leaders
Our Year 6 children have the opportunity to apply to be a Sports Leader. Under the guidance of Mr Gibson, they run a number of sporting clubs for our younger children. The Sports Leaders plan and deliver these clubs.