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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Voluntary Contribution Scheme

At Sacred Heart, Ilkley we wish to continue to improve facilities from which all of our children benefit. For this reason we are appealing for all families to contribute to the VCS scheme to help us to provide those ‘little extras’ which our grant allocation from the DfE do not cover e.g. additional PE equipment/ playtime resources/ licenses for performances etc.

Many families contribute to the voluntary contribution scheme by monthly direct debit of £5, £10 or £15 per family. Any contribution, however big or small, will be gratefully received. 

The VCS is ‘ring-fenced’ within our budget and is not pooled between schools within our Trust.

Without the commitment and regular income from the Voluntary Contribution Scheme, we will struggle to  maintain and improve the facilities of our school. We therefore ask that you consider setting up a regular donation to the Voluntary Contribution Scheme fund.

Gift Aid Declarations mean that school can claim back from the Government 25 pence for every £1 donated. If you pay tax and wish to donate with Gift Aid please complete the declaration form and return it to the School Office.

For more information and the relevant forms, please contact the school office.