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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Pastoral Care is an essential aspect of school life at Sacred Heart with our children's well-being a priority. We know that if children feel anxious or worried then they cannot achieve their potential.  

In every class we place a focus on mental health and wellbeing. We read and share a range of stories about our emotions, friendships and other challenges children may face. We have weekly PSHE sessions, which encompass the fundamental British values and our own virtues. Every year, we celebrate Children’s Mental Health Week and the children are aware of the importance of looking after our own mental health. In classes, we regularly see and hear children talking about breathing techniques they might use; circle times being used to discuss a topic or mindfulness activities such as child friendly yoga.


Our mental health champion and SENCO Mrs Gilhooly  is very present around school and is known to all the children. Both Mrs Gilhooly and Mrs Rhodes are always contactable through the school office if a parent wants to discuss a concern regarding wellbeing or help to be signposted to further support. As a school we work closely with the Educational Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner (EEWP) team at Bradford. Practitioners from the team regularly come into school to deliver group workshops, small group work or 1:1 sessions as needed.


Useful Links

Place2Be - Improving Childrens Mental Health

NHS - Every Mind Matters, Children's Mental Health


Young Minds

HappyMaps - Find the best support, advice and information on young people's mental health, all in one place