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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Wild Hearts Forest Classes

Sacred Heart has a glorious woodland area and we ensure that our children have the opportunity to connect with nature and their environment.

Each half term a different class take to the great outdoors on Friday afternoons. We explore our Sacred Heart woodland and enjoy a huge variety of outdoor workshops including science work, arts and crafts, den building, orienteering and team building challenges.

Research shows there are many benefits to Forest School. These are:

Increased confidence: children have the freedom, time and space to learn and demonstrate independence

Social skills: children gain increased awareness of the consequences of their actions on peers through team activities such as sharing tools and participating in play

Communication: language development is prompted by the children’s sensory experiences

Motivation: the woodland tends to fascinate the children and they developed a keenness to participate and the ability to concentrate over longer periods of time

Physical skills: these improvements are characterised by the development of physical stamina and gross and fine motor skills

Knowledge and understanding: the children develop an interest in the natural surroundings and respect for the environment.

This work aligns to our school mission

‘Love Ourselves. Love Others. Love Learning. Love Our World.’