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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Wrap Around Care

 The smiles on children's faces as they hurry to enter this exceptionally welcoming environment show how much they relish their time at the club. 

As children of different ages play together, older children show high levels of respect and care for younger children. OFSTED 2024 

The Larks & Nightingales

We are very lucky to have an independent wrap around care provider, who is OFSTED registered.

Children can be dropped off from 7.30 am and enjoy a selection of cereals and toast with friends before lessons begin.

After school, the children are either taken directly to their Nightingales session or following one of the many after-school clubs on offer. On arrival, children have a light snack and lots of fun with their friends. After school club closes at 6pm.

Located within the school and with access to the grounds and all-weather shelter, children enjoy a variety of activities, including games and creative play. There is a no technology policy, which means no screen time.

Larks and Nightingales follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, ensuring that learning happens through play. Staff have an excellent relationship with our school. They work closely with the staff in school sharing information about younger children's development.  We work together to develop the skills and abilities children need to learn next.

" Parents are very complimentary about the service the club provides. They particularly comment on the wide variety of activities their children are involved in. Parents appreciate the opportunities that the club offers for their children to extend the friendship groups which they make in school." OFSTED 2024

Opening Hours & Fees

Breakfast Club: Monday to Friday, 7:30 am – 8:45 am, £7.50 per session

After School Club: Monday to Friday, 3:15 pm – 6:00 pm, £10.50 per session 


Larks and Nightingales can be contacted directly to discuss a place.

Email: anitaferguson@hotmail.co.uk

Phone: 07713 692 087

Find us on Facebook: The Larks and Nightingales Ilkley